2nd Session
The second session of FORWIT took place as a two-day working meeting on 27 and 28 May 2024 and included a series of substantive discussions. In particular, the recommendation on the use of funds from the Future Fund Austria for 2024 was adopted, which was submitted to the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development in good time and will be published at the end of June 2024. Other topics in the work programme included the preparation of a position paper on the European Union’s next research framework programme (FP10) (planned publication: July 2024) and the development of scenarios on how the Austrian STI system can be made resilient and antifragile in the future.
A draft of recommendations for the government programme for the next legislative period was also discussed in detail. The Council also defined its role as an expert advisory body to the government in a mission statement, which was adopted together with a mission statement.
The session took place on the first day on the premises of the Austrian Parliament. On this occasion, this year’s edition of the STI Monitor was also publicly presented in the evening. On the morning of the second day of the meeting, the Council members were invited to a working breakfast with Federal Minister Martin Polaschek, where the future role of the Council for the Austrian STI system was discussed in detail.