Achtung! Sie befinden sich auf der archivierten Seite des am 30. Juni 2023 aufgelösten RFTE. Zur Nachfolgeorganisation FORWIT – Rat für Forschung, Wissenschaft, Innovation und Technologieentwicklung gelangen Sie hier.

Attention! You are on the archived page of the Austrian Council, whose mandate ended on 30 June 2023. Please find the website of the newly established FORWIT – Council for Sciences, Technology, and Innovation here.


... to the English website of the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development


On our website you will find information about the Austrian Council and its work. Should you require additional information, feel free to contact the council's secretariat.

The main task of the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development consists in systematically, independently and thoroughly consulting the Austrian Federal Government in all issues of research, technology and innovation policy. The main goal of its work is to provide an essential contribution to a future-oriented RTI policy. In doing so, the Austrian Council sees itself as central node in the network of the broad technology and research landscape, as coordinator and amplifier of the diversified activities, as bridge between actors, as filter, and most of all as setter of priorities. The main strategic foundation is the council's Strategy 2010 and its successor the current Strategy 2020. Here you will learn more about the strategies and their genesis.

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